In this episode I’m going to show you how to use Adobe Audition to give your sound a professional edge.


In this episode of Quicktips I’m going to show you how to use Adobe Audition to give your sound a professional edge. Hang on…

So I have 2 quick ways to easily increase the production value of your audio just by easily using Adobe Audition.

Go ahead and open the audio file in Adobe Audition.

The first filter we are going to run will help eliminate a lot of background noise while preserving the fidelity of my voice.

Click “Effects” and then go to “Noise Reduction / Restoration” and then click on “Adaptive Noise Reduction”.

Using the default settings, you should be able to eliminate a good portion of the background noise while keeping your voice clear and present.

Once we have that cleaned up, we are going to go down to the effects rack and under “Presets” chose “Radio Announcer Voice”.

This will increase the presence of your voice similar to the sound of an professional radio station.

One little tip, I personally like to adjust the “Hard Limiter” settings to -3db in order to keep the volume levels from cutting out or popping.

If you want to know more about the keys to kick-ass audio, go listen to my latest podcast where I break down all the keys to amazing audio quality without breaking the bank on equipment.

The link is in the show notes.

See ya next week!

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